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Current PriceuS$ 154,500
Vessel TypeSloop
LocationStonington, Maine, United States
Hull MaterialAluminum
LOA46 feet
Beam12 feet
Engine ManufacturerBeta Marine
Engine Model
Max Speed knots


Her previous owner undertook a massive and comprehensive open checkbook refit/rebuild at Warren Pond Boatworks, Maine, from 2/2009-6/2011 and which then continued at Dutch Wharf, Branford, CT, during winter 2012/2013. During this refit, nothing was left untouched. All electrical, plumbing, mechanical, heating, refrigeration, lighting, sanitation, electronics, pulpits and stanchions, sail inventory, rig rigging, winches, hardware, exterior teak and cosmetics were replaced. She was stripped down to bare hull and her entire interior gutted and a custom "wooden yacht interior" installed. Her refit process was thoroughly documented. She is set up for short-handed or crewed competitive racing with her tall carbon rig and impressive sail inventory. She has an impeccable McCurdy Rhodes/Paul Luke pedigree. Those who view her will not only be impressed by her pristine condition, but will recognize her as a near sistership to the famous ocean racer, CARINA. Commissioned in 1970 shortly after CARINA, she is 18" shorter with a similar waterline but fitted out to be more easily raced or cruised short-handed and in greater comfort. Her IRC, OOR and PHRF ratings make her highly competitive.

Yacht Access is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Gray & Gray Yachts. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel

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